AsMatch Airdrops Over 28,000 $ASM to Linea zkPortrait Pass Holders!

2 min readJan 5, 2024

Hey AsMatchers!

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news with our community. Last year, when we launched the zkPortrait Pass on Linea, we promised that zkPortrait Pass holders would be part of an exclusive opportunity to receive up to $400 in $ASM Airdrop.

Today, we’re delighted to announce that we’ve fulfilled that promise by airdropping over 28,000 $ASM to our zkPortrait Pass holders in an exclusive raffle. We hope this brings a smile to your face as you find your balance pleasantly increased with $ASM.

Read on to learn more about the details of this airdrop raffle and how the airdrop raffle was carried out.

Snapshot Details:

The snapshot for the $ASM Airdrop Raffle was taken on December 29th, 2023. If you held a zkPortrait Pass then, you were included!

Airdrop Raffle Valuation:

The value of the airdrop raffle was calculated based on 1 $ASM being equal to $0.35, which was the average price when the snapshot was recorded.

Airdrop Raffle Distribution Breakdown:

Here’s how the airdrop raffle was distributed:

  • 5 lucky users randomly received $400 in $ASM.
  • 54 Level 3 zkPortrait Pass holders randomly received $50 in $ASM.
  • 62 Level 2 and Level 3 zkPortrait Pass holders randomly received $40 in $ASM.
  • 89 Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 zkPortrait Pass holders randomly received $20 in $ASM.
  • 317 Level 0 zkPortrait Pass holders randomly received $3 in $ASM.

Celebrate our $ASM Airdrop Raffle by sharing a screenshot of your airdrop on Twitter and tagging us @AsMatchApp!

Missed the snapshot? Join our $1500 Giveaway!

Don’t worry if you missed this airdrop raffle. We are excited to announce our upcoming giveaway exclusively for zkPortrait holders, with a $1500 in $ASM prize pool! Stay tuned for more details.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone for being an integral part of AsMatch. Your support fuels our journey, and together, we look forward to an exciting 2024!

With love,

The AsMatch Team ❤️




Match & Earn $ASM asmatch as possible ✊ | Powered by @MantaNetwork @0xPolygonLabs @CelestiaOrg @realMaskNetwork | Download on the App Store & Google Play.